Theoretical Approaches
An Eclectic Approach in Therapy
One size certainly does not fit all. An eclectic approach in therapy means that techniques and strategies that are effective and reliable in both research and clinical experience will be flexibly integrated to suit your needs. Your therapeutic experience will feel personalized for you.
You can expect techniques and strategies drawn from these approaches:
Developed by Carl Rogers in the 1940s, Person-Centered Therapy is grounded in the belief that all individuals carry potential and capacity to facilitate change within themselves, particularly when given key appropriate conditions. As such, the role of therapy is to provide clients with key environmental conditions which support their ability to achieve personal growth and change.
Narrative Therapy utilizes the power of language, perspective, and discourse while underscoring the influence of the dominant story line in one’s life on one’s thoughts and behaviours. In our process, this means the stories you share about your life are, as I see it, the greatest resource for change. By exploring alternate and less-dominant stories you may presently carry, your view on your present concerns can start to shift as well. Possibilities for change become more apparent—along with your ability to make these changes.
Somatic Experiencing Therapy and Mindfulness-Based Approaches promote awareness and connection with the realm of critical information made available to us through our bodily and physiological sensations, as these are understood to be inextricably linked with our emotional and psychological worlds. In cases involving symptoms of physical pain and discomfort (i.e. PTSD, Sexual Assault Related Traumas, Addictions, etc.), this link between our mental and physical states is most apparent. In our work, I help you overcome mental and physical distress related to difficult events, feelings and emotions by enhancing your awareness, understanding, and ability to process the physiological responses you experience. here
Emotion Focused Therapy seeks to connect the individual with his or her deepest, most honest feelings in order to better understand the motivations behind behaviours for oneself, and additionally, to more effectively express them in relationships with others. In our counselling sessions, you learn to more effectively tune into and observe your varied emotional experiences, which in turn improves your ability to self-regulate emotional responses in order to deepen your relationship with yourself and others.
Solution Focused (Brief) Therapy is driven by concise goals and short-term oriented methods to achieve solutions. We collaboratively identify goals, look at previously successful solutions, explore recent examples of exceptions to problems, build on effective coping skills, and work towards identified ends.
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is based off several components of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Uniquely, DBT provides space for clients’ behaviours and emotions to be BOTH valid yet also in need of change. The approach helps people improve existing skills related to emotional regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, distress tolerance, and mindfulness.